It turns out that I am a product and I am for sale. You are not allowed to just make films, you have to make them and then promote them as much as possible. It's been a hard lesson for me to learn. I feel that I have had to become a different person to market and promote myself. I haven't figure out if that's a good or bad thing just yet.
Fringe Festival
THE NORTH has a new member
Press from Cannes
Here are a few links to some of the press from Cannes:'s%20on/article/28211--local-director-s-film-to-be-screened-at-cannes
There a few other online stories and a interview with OMNI which should air sometime in October.
British FIlm Festival
Cannes Film Festival
'A Day in the Life' is in the Cannes Film Festival - Short Film Corner. I'm not sure I'll be able to go but the film will be there.
If the travel grant comes through I might be able to go but we'll have to wait and see. I hope to be able to make a few sales from here and do what I can without actually being there. Special thanks to the cast and crew for all their hard work. I'll update you as soon as I have any more information.
Politics of Fear Screens in Egypt
Books Now Available Online
Bypassing Light - Alleys of Rome
A collection of 62 images from the Bypassing Light and Alleys of Rome series. The 81/2 X 11 inch hardcover book has 68 pages. ($100 + $10 Shipping)
By Passing Light
By studying and simplifying colour and composition this series of photographs isolates form and texture to celebrate the beauty of urban decay documenting the unique quality of light in and around the city of San Francisco. The series of images invite the viewer to look at our everyday surroundings as a collection of simple colours and shapes, as if through the eyes of a child.
Through the chemical process of bleach by-passing the images powerfully isolate dense areas of color, creating compositions which begin to take on the look and feel of a painting.
Alleys of Rome
This series is a collection of non-traditional images from the alleys of Rome, capturing a city known for its architecture and art from the alleys and darker corners. The images attempt to move away from postcard images and display the beauty and textures found in the heart of the city streets.
Time Capsule
A Day in the Life Screening
B & The North
Interior Shoot
4 Minutes
Dance Film / Music Video
Fight Photos - Make up Test
The Politics of Fear
A film I've been trying to finish for over a year and a half is finally done. Some things take longer than others. The film will have some screenings at a few local festivals.
The film questions the effect of news entertainment on the public. After 9/11 the news media learned that if they keep the audience afraid they would get higher ratings.
The story centers around a man named John, who is so obsessed with news coverage and news entertainment that he is afraid to leave his house. He hears machine guns outside, tanks roll by and grenades explode in the basement. John begins to believe it is unsafe to go outside and that if he does he may explode.